Final Fantasy
  -Malice Mizer
Old School
  -David the Gnome
  -Lil Bits
  -Strawberry Shortcake
  -Sailor Moon
  -Neko Con R
  -Neko Con 3
  -Neko Con Flash
  -Neko Con V
  -(None Currently)
Site Design © Kiki 2002
Sailor Moon
Image Gallery
Yeahyeah I know what you're thinking. Not another SM junkie!! But hey
I love the show. And I even joined a cosplay group(
Sailor Myu Players ) and I get to be Setsuna cause I'm taller and
tanner than anyone else in the group. Lucky me. ^_^
Like always, got pics of other in their SM gear...then send it
ova here.
Oh yeah! Here's my lil sis. Ain't she cute?! *whisperwhisper* If
you look in the glass behind Nena(my sister), you can see me in my
white mage cloak. Hah nifty, ya?